Choquette & Company

Accounting Group Inc.

Income Tax

Personal, Small Business or Corporate our income tax services are available by selecting from the following area of expertise:

Mobile On-Site, Personal Tax Preparation, Rental Income, Self Employed, Capital Gain/Loss, Employment Expense, Disability Credit, Foreign taxes, Non-Residents

Corporate Tax Preparation, GST/HST Return Preparation, PST Return Preparation, Employee Payroll Reporting, WCB Reporting


For any other income tax area's not listed, give our office a telephone call at either: 604-463-8202 or 1-800-667-9254.

Mobile Office

Our mobile office provides our clients with the benefit of our complete office parked outside there residence or business. A modified motorhome, our mobile office also includes mobile satellite and wireless internet to allow us to be able to communicate with our head office as well as government agencies. For more information on our mobile office - click here.

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For more information or to book an appointment, please call our office at either
604-463-8202 or 1-800-667-9254

Personal Tax Preparation

Ask yourself one simple question... If you could have your personal tax return prepared ensuring every tax deduction and tax credit is utilized, why not?

Some may say that a tax return with a couple of slips is basic. We see it as no tax return is basic or the same. What about donations, child care expenses, medical expenses, investment fee's.

Our fee's are affordable and can even include on-site preparation. We also provide in-office appointments, drop off and even tax by fax and tax by mobile (cellular) services.

In order to get started, check out our personal income tax checklist - click here to make sure you have all of your tax information ready, then give our office a call or check out our tax by fax or tax by mobile (cellular).

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For more information or to book an appointment, please call our office at either
604-463-8202 or 1-800-667-9254

Rental Income
If you have a rental property either in Canada, United States or abroad you are required to include this on your personal income tax return. This includes the rental or rooms or basement within your principal residence as well as rental or vacation homes.

Will this mean an increased tax liability? This depends on the amount of expenses to offset the rental income received.

In most cases, clients are amazed at the impact of a rental unit of there tax return. In some cases, this can even include an increased tax refund.

If you are considering adding a rental unit to your investment portfolio, you can also contact our office for a consultation (including our on-site mobile) as our experiance includes both Canadian, United States as well as international rental unit aquisition, taxation and disposal.

In order to get started, download our rental checklist - click here. This will allow you to gather the rental information so that we can maximize any tax benefit.

We can prepare personal tax returns that include rental income on-site using our mobile office.

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For more information or to book an appointment, please call our office at either
604-463-8202 or 1-800-667-9254

Self Employed
If you are already self employed, congradulations you are your own boss! If not, and are considering it - we are here to help.

You are self employed if you earn any kind of income that is not reported on a T4 slip or income in which no deductions have been taken. This can be as minimal as babysitting income and paper routes to childcare providers, consultants, retailing and everyone in between!

Even if you are employed, earning self employment income is a great way to supplement your earnings. And in a lot of cases, this can even mean an increased refund as if the self employment expenses are greater than the income, you can receive an increased tax refund.

If you are considering jumping into self employment, (even on a part time basis) you can give our office a call at either 604-463-8202 or 1-800-667-9254 to arrange a consultation (including on-site mobile) to ensure that you get off on the right foot with establishing your business, tax collection requirements and reporting.

You can also download our self employed checklist - click here to assist you in collecting the revenue and expense information so that we can maximize every single business deduction.

We can prepare self employed tax returns on-site using our mobile office.

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For more information or to book an appointment, please call our office at either
604-463-8202 or 1-800-667-9254

Capital Gain/Loss

Selling a stock, property or other asset results in the potential for either a capital gain or loss.

Our office can assist you in both the tax planning prior too as well as the tax reporting for all types of capital gains and losses.

If you are considering either the purchase or sale of a future asset, a consultation with our office will ensure that you have the neccassary tax planning estimates so that you know who much of the proceeds you get to keep verse remitting to the government authority.

We can prepare Income Tax returns with capital gains and losses using our on-site mobile office.

Information we will require includes cost (purchase) information, selling or disposal values and any releated aquisition, holding or disposal costs.

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For more information or to book an appointment, please call our office at either
604-463-8202 or 1-800-667-9254

Employment Expense

If you are employed and incur expenses associated in carrying out that employment, you may be entitled to deduct employment expenses such as motor vehicle, telecommunications, supplies, travel, advertising and meals and entertainment. If you use a portion of your home as an office for your employment you can also deduct some of the home office expenses. Yu may also receive an increased refund which includes the actual GST or HST tax paid on eligible expenses.

If you are commencing on incurring employment expenses or have concerns about elibilgibilty of expenses, contact our office to arrange for a consultation.

We do prepare Personal Income Tax returns with employment expenses using our on-site mobile office.

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For more information or to book an appointment, please call our office at either
604-463-8202 or 1-800-667-9254

Disability Credit

Canada Revenue Agency allows for eligible taxpayers to receive disability tax credit.

This application process is quite complex and we have a seperate site specifically for this application and processing. Please visit - click here for more information.

For more information or to book an appointment, please call our office at either
604-463-8202 or 1-800-667-9254

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Foreign taxes

Not only to we prepare income tax returns for all provinces and territories within Canada we also prepare Incme Tax returns in the United States, Mexico and Great Britian.

Foreign tax return require preparation within our office, however we can provide pre-preparation and post-preparation on-site appointments using our mobile office.

For more information or to book an appointment, please call our office at either
604-463-8202 or 1-800-667-9254

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If you are a foreign individual or corporation that has earned income within Canada (and may have been subject to withholding taxes) or if you are a non-resident Canadian who is required to file a non-resident tax return our office is here to assist.

Non-Resident returns require preparation within our office, however we can provide pre-preparation and post-preparation on-site appointments using our mobile office.

For more information or to book an appointment, please call our office at either
604-463-8202 or 1-800-667-9254

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Corporate Tax Preparation

Our firm specializes in corporate tax preparation with advanced knowledge of the applicable tax laws in all Provinces and Territories.

In order to prepare a Corporate Tax return within Canada, financial statement preparation is required. Please refer to our Corporate Services section for more information.

For more information or to book an appointment, please call our office at either
604-463-8202 or 1-800-667-9254

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GST/HST Returns

Our office can apply, prepare and report GST (Goods and Services Tax) and HST (Harmonized Sales Tax) returns as required.

We can prepare GST and HST returns on site using our mobile office.

You can also review our Corporate Services section for more information on company record keeping services that our office provides.

For more information or to book an appointment, please call our office at either
604-463-8202 or 1-800-667-9254

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PST Returns

Our office can apply, prepare and report PST (Provincial Sales Tax) returns as required.

We can prepare PST returns on site using our mobile office.

You can also review our Corporate Services section for more information on company record keeping services that our office provides.

For more information or to book an appointment, please call our office at either
604-463-8202 or 1-800-667-9254

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Employee Payroll

If you considering hiring employee`s or require assistance in the calculation and reporting of employee payroll taxes and associated slips our office can provide a cost effective solution.

Please visit our Payroll Services section for more information.

For more information or to book an appointment, please call our office at either
604-463-8202 or 1-800-667-9254

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WCB Reporting

If you require assistance in the registration, reporting and even appealing WCB (Workers Compensation Board), our office can provide these services to you in a cost effective manner.

Please visit our Payroll Services section for more information.

For more information or to book an appointment, please call our office at either
604-463-8202 or 1-800-667-9254

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 Tax Adjustments

For more information or to book an appointment, please call our office at either
604-463-8202 or 1-800-667-9254

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Tax Appeals

For more information or to book an appointment, please call our office at either
604-463-8202 or 1-800-667-9254

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Tax Audits

For more information or to book an appointment, please call our office at either
604-463-8202 or 1-800-667-9254

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